Archive for Februarie, 2009

Vir my 2 oorblywende lesers se amtelike kennisname

oopkop1Need I say more?

(Wat van: O Lord, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every waaaayyyyyyy!)

Februarie 26, 2009 at 3:10 nm 11 Kommentaar

Wat ek hierdie week geleer het

miskruier3Sodra jy al die moeite gedoen het om jou hoop stront in ‘n mooi ronde, hanteerbare bolletjie te rol, sal daar altyd ‘n ander miskruier kom wat jou bol stront probeer steel. miskruiersEn op die ou end lê die bol stront verlate in die pad en niemand is bereid om te erken dat dit hulle stront is nie.

(Freddy, jy mag maar hierdie storie in ‘n preek gebruik.)

Februarie 19, 2009 at 10:44 vm 6 Kommentaar

Selibaat Heroorweeg

N.a.v. die gesprek en die Piesangverkoper se versoek: Rob Bell skryf in Sex God:

If we take this understanding of our natural state seriously, we have to rethink what sexuality is. For many, sexuality is simply what happens between two people involving physical pleasure. But that’s only a small percentage of what sexuality is. Our sexuality is all of the ways we strive to reconnect with our world, with each other, and with God.

A friend of mine has given his life to standing with those who have been forgotten and oppressed the most. He’s in his early thirties, he’s single, and he talks openly about his celibacy. What makes his life so powerful is that he’s a very sexual person, but he has focused his sexuality, his “energies for connection”, on a specific group of people.

Some of the most sexual people I know are celibate.

The sleep alone.

They have chosen to give themselves to lots of people, to serve and give and connect their lives with beautiful worthy causes. These friends help me understand why the Red Light District in Amsterdam is so sexually repressed. If you’ve ever walked through this part of the city, where prostitution is legal, you know that it can be a bit jarring to have the women in the windows gesturing to you, inviting you to come in and have “sex” with them.

What is so striking is how unsexual the whole section of the city is. There are lots of people “having sex” night and day, but that’s all it is. There’s no connection. That’s, actually, the only way it works. They agree to a certain fee for certain acts performed, she [sic] performs them, he [sic] pays her, and then they part ways. The only way they would ever see each other again is on the slim probability that he would return and they would repeat this transaction. There’s no connection whatsoever. If she for a moment connected with him in any other way than the strictly physical, it would put her job, and therefore her financial security, in jeopardy.

And so int he Red Light District there’s lots of physical interaction and no connection. There are lots of people having lots of physical sex – for some it’s their job – and yet it’s not a very sexual place at all.

There’s even a phrase that people use with a straight face – “casual sex”. The rationale is often, “It’s just sex.”

Exactly. When it’s just sex, then that’s all it is. It leaves the person deeply unconnected.

You can have sex with many, and yet you’re alone. And the more sex you have, the more alone you are.

And it’s possible to be sleeping alone, and celibate, and to be very sexual. Connected with many.

It’s also possible to be married to somebody and sharing the same bed and be very disconnected. It’s possible to be married to somebody and sharing the same bed and having sex regularly and still be profoundly disconnected.

Februarie 13, 2009 at 11:59 vm 4 Kommentaar


Ek is besig met Adele Ahlberg Calhoun se finominale “Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that transform us“.  (Wanneer ek dit klaar deurgewerk het, gaan ek ‘n vreedsame, serene wese wees wat in voeling is met haarself, haar medemens, die heelal en God. Ek gaan permanent so ‘n paar sentimeter bokant die grond sweef.)


So het ek aanvanklik nie eers oorweeg om na die gedeelte oor “Chastity” te kyk nie.  Ek dink nie die selibaat is vir my bedoel nie.  Ek hoop ook dat die Hoof van die Huis ten minste effens ontsteld sal wees as ek kies vir ‘n selibate leefstyl.

So gaan loer ek tog na die dissipline van reinheid en was aangenaam verras.  Ek haal ‘n paar hoogtepunte aan:

Practice includes [o.a.]:

  •  Not using sex as a test of love
  • not engaging in sexual behavior that leaves anyone with shame, distress or guilt
  • loving rather than using people

God-given fruit [o.a.]

  • celebrating yourself as a sexual being

Sy haal ook vir Joyce Huggett aan:

Casual recreational sex is hardly a feast – it’s not even a good, hearty sandwich.  It is a diet of fast food served in plastic containers… The tiger of desire has to be tamed, not chained, nor mounted and ridden, but trained.  Love never storms the gates.  

*Disclaimer  Ek gebruik tans Google Chrome, en dit het nie so ‘n fancy speltoetser soos Firefox nie.  Sê ek maar net.  Vir ingeval.

Februarie 12, 2009 at 11:36 vm 4 Kommentaar

Nuwe Blokkie

“If spirituality loses touch with its roots in sexuality, it loses power to form and inform our deepest selves. When spirituality is separated from our sexuality, it loses the power of personal connection and becomes lifeless – it cannot move us to passionate care for this world” – Lynn Rhodes
Kyk hier.

Februarie 11, 2009 at 12:28 nm 2 Kommentaar



Hierdie blog is vandag 3 jaar oud, met gemiddeld 1 post elke 2 dae en amper 3 comments per dag.

Dit kan ook nou maar end kry.

Februarie 10, 2009 at 9:18 vm 7 Kommentaar

Dis weer vir ‘n slag tyd vir seks

Wanneer laas het ek iets geskryf oor seks?  

Maar ek het jou geflous.  Hierdie post gaan nie oor seks nie, maar oor gym.  Ek haat gym.  Ek is redelik seker, al het ek nog nooit in my lewe gegym nie.  Oefening oor die algemeen vind ek erg vervelig en uitputtend.  Ek sal nooit geld spandeer aan allerhande Verimark oefenmasjiene nie.

Hierdie is egter een wat ek sterk sal oorweeg om aan te skaf.

Februarie 4, 2009 at 12:34 nm 10 Kommentaar

Videokameras is vir home videos

blair-witch-project-movie-posterLaat ek nou maar eerlik wees – ek het gedink die Blair Witch Project was vervelig. Gaap. Dit het my laat dink aan een maatjie wat ek op laerskool gehad het. Ek moes dikwels heel pouse lank saam met haar in die kleedkamers staan terwyl sy probeer om ‘n traan uit te druk. (Blair Witch 2, daarenteen, het ek baie geniet. Ek is ‘n ploert, ek weet.)

Hoewel ek die Blair Witch effens vervelig gevind het, het ek nooit gedink ek sal dit begin haat nie. En tog…

As ek kon teruggaan in tyd, het ek die mense wat Blair Witch gemaak het, gedwing om hul kameras te eet. Ewe skielik spring almal op die bandwagon. Nou maak elke Jan Rap en sy maat ‘n bewerige fliek met swak grafika.

So was arme ek seesiek tydens die hele stupit Cloverfield.


Quarantine kon dalk heel vermaaklik gewees het, as hulle die ekstra paar rand uitgehaal en ‘n regte fotograaf gehuur het.

Wat my egter tot verlede tyd moord wil dryf, is dat George A. Romero – George Romero! – ook hierdie gimmick gebruik het. Nee! Nee! Net nie dit nie!

Wat het geword van goeie ou Special FX? Hoekom kan ek nie duidelik sien hoe die zombies mense se ingewande uitryg nie? Hoekom moet ek uit ‘n bewerige, donker skoot self probeer uitwerk wat aangaan?

Step away from the video camera! Kry ‘n budget en maak ‘n regte fliek.

Februarie 2, 2009 at 10:09 vm 8 Kommentaar
